
Typha (typha latifolia) is an invasive plant which constitutes a genuine environmental scourge in the Senegal River valley.


T2A products are the result of sustained research and development efforts carried out by its founders and rewarded with numerous distinctions (National Champion in the Marathon du Sahel) and a patent from the African Intellectual Property Office (OAPI).

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  • Ipsum
  • Dolor
  • Sit
  • Amet
  • Nullam

Profit from Invasive Species

T2A transforms an environmental scourge, that is typha latifolia, into an abundant and renewable resource, while promoting agricultural by-products and non-timber forest products.

Non-Timber Forest Products

As mentioned, T2A also promote Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) from the region such as desert date (balanites aegyptiaca), acacia (acacia nilotica), mesquite (prosopis juliflora) pods, doum (hyphaene thebaica).


Based in Rosso on the border between Mauritania and Senegal, T2A has set for itself the objective of disseminating good animal feeding practices by introducing new techniques.

lat 16.508185, lon -15.826651